Beyond the Great Mist

Beyond the Great Mist
Автор: Asia Khafiz
Дата написания: 2015
Издательство: Издательские решения
ISBN: 978-5-4474-3203-4
Цена: 200.00 Руб.
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During long summer evenings under the Central Asian skies, my little sister in her insatiable curiosity demanded new tales. And when all the famous stories had already been told, it became clear that the time had come to create. Thus, the novel “The Great Mist” was born. This fantasy tells the story of love and hate, of passion and longing, of dreams and reality – all on the edges of consciousness and subconsciousness. Wonderful illustrations were made by a talented illustrator, Ksenia Tkach.

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Отличная шутка: Маленький мальчик спрашивает: — Папа, а сколько мне лет? — Тебе 5 лет, сынок. — А коту? — 2 года. — А почему тогда у кота есть усы, а у меня нет?

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